How to Create Unique and Cool Nicknames on Mobile Legends

For professional gamers, of course making a unique name is an obligation. This also includes Top Global Mobile Legends.

Well do you also want to have a unique nickname even though your skills are still like that? Hehehe ... Take it easy and Jaka will review how to make a unique nickname in Mobile Legends so that you will be as cool as JessNoLimit or Lemon, guys!

Here's how to make a unique name in Mobile Legends
Some of you may not know how to change the unique name in the Mobile Legends game. The reason is by using the standard Android keyboard application, you will only be presented with fonts like that.

Well calm down, for you new players or old players can follow the way to create a unique Mobile Legends name so that it looks more cool.

Step - 1
The first time you are required to download and install the FancyKey - Keyboard application on the Google Play Store via the link that Jaka has provided below.

Step - 2
Then you open the FancyKey - Keyboard application and you must first activate this Android keyboard application. Tap 1. Activate FancyKey Keyboard and you will be taken to the Android settings page, slide toggle to activate.

Steps - 3
Then you just move the default keyboard settings to FancyKey by tap 2. Switch to FancyKey Keyboard and then select FancyKey Emoji & GIF guys.

Step - 4
If you have just left the Mobile Legends game: Bang Bang that you have installed on your smartphone. Here you just go to the profile page in the upper left corner.

Step - 5
On your profile page, just tap on your nickname to change the name according to the unique nickname you want to change later.

Steps - 6
Then a column will appear to change the name, you just tap it will appear FancyKey's keyboard that you changed earlier. To change the unique font model, you just tap the "F" icon in the top row.

Steps - 7
Here you select the Cool Font menu to change the default font to create a cool nickname for Mobile Legends.

Steps - 8
Here FancyKey provides a number of unique font models that you can use to create unique nicknames.

Steps - 9
Choose one model and just type your new nickname in the available column. If it's finished just tap Okay to continue.

Steps - 10
Then automatically your nickname will change to be unique and cool. So you can show off to your friends right?

This method is only effective if you have a card to change the name. Then there are several font models that cannot be used, so it is advisable to choose another font model.

Now that's how to make a unique nickname in the Mobile Legends game that you must try directly in the game. Really easy right? So hurry up and try it! Guaranteed your appearance will be as cool as the Top Global guys.

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